Seans loves Sterling

“Honestly, it’s one of my dreams to run into a proposal while I’m in a beautiful place or hiking and just happen to have my camera and be able to give them the photos. Wouldn’t that be the coolest!?” - Me, on the way to the place that Sean is about to propose.

^ Remember that quote, ok?

So here’s what happened. BUCKLE UP. Sean + Will pick me up from the airport and we drive straight into Frisco, CO where Sean is going to propose! We pass some time in the car while the girls are getting Sterling ready. Incomes the “we’re on our way” text, so Sean and I hike down to the spot and start getting everything in place.

At this point, we’re deciding between 2 different spots, when these 4 people (2 girls, 2 guys, in their late 20s?) emerge from the woods, probably finishing up a hike. Since we’re staked out at a beautiful overlook, the people obviously stop to read about it. They kindly offer to take a photo of the two of us, to which I respond “ohh no we’re good! He’s actually about to propose!” They’re SO excited for him. Makes sense.

Alright so now the homies leave us to our own devices and hop down to take a couple photos for themselves. 2 of them (let’s call them couple #1), ask the other 2 (couple #2) to take a photo. Sean and I are now telepathically communicating that these homies need to scoot. Like… social cues, right?

Couple #1 then asks couple #2 if they’d like a photo as well! Of course they do! It literally looks like Narnia and the snow just keeps coming.

Sean and I are patiently waiting for them to leave and discussing a couple details, when I look back over and THIS GUY HAS WHIPPED A HANDWRITTEN LETTER OUT OF HIS POCKET AND IS READING IT TO THIS GIRL. Ya. You know what’s happening.

Me: jaw is ON THE FLOOR and eyes WIDE, jerking from Sean to couple #2 who is clearly getting engaged, couple #1 who is capturing this on their iPhones.

Y’all. I am NEVER surprised at proposals hahah like I AM the surprise hahaha. Soo basically I’m freakin out and in a moment of true professionalism I make eye contact with couple #1 and very intensely whisper as I’m pointing at couple #2, “DO YOU WANT ME TO TAKE PICTURES!?”

The excited nods and huge smiles give me the immediate go-ahead. I just totally go for it and the longer this dude reads his letter, the bigger fan I’m becoming.

Couple #2 gets engaged!

They’re elated and she’s practically levitating and it’s just all smiles and giggles and I actually cannot believe what just happened. (Photos to follow. Don’t stop reading this.)

“I seriously think I’m gonna pass out!” hahaha no time for that, Analena.

Sweet Sean is also keeping it totally cool and is pumped for them. Proud of him for that. This was probably semi-stressful on his end hahaha

If you thought I was done with the surprises, I’m not.

We hastily start exchanging names and phone #s and I have this feeling that I know these people. Turns out, I do. I later found out we have a zillion mutual friends and they live in DFW and go to the same church as Sean. hahaha CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS.

Also turns out that Connor, Kate, Luke, and Analena actually have great social cues and quickly give us hugs (moments like these just instantly bond you, ok?) and get outta there, wishing Sean good luck and assuring us that we’ll all connect as they hurry away.

P.S. they had no idea who I was in this moment. Thank goodness they just trusted me and let me get up in their business because I straight-up looked like a middle-school marshmallow and probably not a professional photographer LOL.

Two last thing I wanna say about this before moving on to the actual proposal that I came to shoot…

  1. God reminded me that I can ask Him for specific things and that He hears me and wants to give me those things. I never told God that I wanted this. I actually just told Sean + Will. Felt like God was reminding me that He can + He cares. Is anything too hard for him? You tell me. This was pretty specific hahaha

  2. When I emailed them the photos that night, I wrote this in my email:

“Seriously I can't believe the timing of this and that I got to capture this really special memory for you! Well... I can believe it. Because God is kind and is in the details.”


ONTO THE MAIN EVENT. It starts snowing hard, which is perfect, because Sterling loves the snow. You can tell the difference between the first proposal and this one if you look. Completely intentional on God’s part, if you ask me.

Ster arrives. Sean proposes.

Immediate tears… and I’m honestly not sure there was a moment for the next 30 minutes that she wasn’t crying :*) I had this small fear that her tears were gonna freeze to her eyelashes.

My favorite part of the whole thing was after she screams “OF COURSE!” and gives Sean a hug + kiss, she sees me and is understandably shocked that she is not only engaged, but that I am in Colorado watching it happen. So we exchange a huge hug, and then you hear Sean yell, “HEY! Do you want the ring!? Did you see what it looks like!?”

Sterling turns to Sean whimpers through her sobs , “I didn’t even caarrreee.” So then Sean shows her the ring and there’s more tears because it’s so beautiful. Love that for her.

Everything else that follows insinuates more happy tears — the facetime calls, the Bible with her new name on it, the friends that hiked down to celebrate with them, the letters that Sean had gotten all their family members to write to Sterling, and the journal that he had been writing in since their first date 3 years ago :*) I’d cry too.

Well, there ya have it folks. A two for one deal in Colorado and a surprise for literally everyone involved! I can’t look through these photos without my heart overflowing with thankfulness for a God that is faithfully in the details and gives the gift of love and joy in abundance. I hope this made you smile and laugh and stirred something up in your heart.

Forever thankful for this job and these moments that I get to be a part of. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. I hardly can. #thanksGod